Grafik Körperregionen Mann

Permanent* hair removal
for men in Stuttgart

Below you will find an overview of all body regions that are suitable for permanent hair removal*.

Background picture body regions men

Overview body regions men

The removal of body hair is becoming an increasingly important topic for many men. Above all, saving time is the main factor here. In addition, there are some areas which are difficult to reach for independent hair removal. This includes, for example, the back. But also hair removal in the genital area is becoming more and more important for men. We free you from unwanted hair growth on any desired part of the body.

glatte Gesichtshaut beim Mann Foto

Permanent hair removal men FACE

Daily shaving is annoying, especially if you don’t want to grow a beard in some places anyway. This is where permanent hair removal* can help.

Foto glatte haarlose Männerachsel

Permanent hair removal men ARMPITS

In this area, not only aesthetics, but also hygiene plays a major role. Get rid of armpit hair permanently*.

Foto haarloser Nacken und glatte Haut an den Schultern beim Mann

Permanent hair removal men NECK

Especially the neck area is difficult to reach for shaving. With permanent hair removal*, this is no longer a problem.

haarloser Rücken beim Mann

Permanent hair removal men SHOULDERS & BACK

Smooth skin on the shoulders and back really showcases your muscles. Constant shaving, on the other hand, is very tiring. We have the perfect solution for you.

Foto Mann glatte haarlose Arme und Hände

Permanent hair removal men ARMS & HANDS

Well-groomed arms and hands will give you a beautiful appearance. Our permanent hair removal* offers you the perfect way to achieve this.

glatter haarloser Bauch und Brust beim Mann Foto

Permanent hair removal men CHEST & ABDOMEN

No more hair on your chest or stomach with permanent hair removal* from Haarfreiheit Stuttgart.

Foto intime Szene glatte Haut beim Mann

Permanent hair removal men INTIMATE AREA

Permanent hair removal* is also possible in sensitive areas such as the intimate area. Learn more in a free consultation.

Foto haarloser Po beim Mann

Permanent hair removal men BUTTOCKS & GLUTEAL FOLD

Even in areas that are difficult to reach, the hygienic requirements of hair removal should be very high. We can meet these requirements.

Foto haarfrei an Steiß und unterem Rücken

Permanent hair removal men COCCYX

Many men suffer from coccyx fistula, which can be not only unsightly but also painful. You can prevent this condition with a permanent hair removal*.

Foto glatte muskulöse Beine beim Mann

Permanent hair removal men LEGS & FEET

Smooth legs bring many advantages, especially for athletes. But aesthetic demands should not be neglected either. Get rid of hair on legs and feet.


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Phone: 0711 / 286 969 69




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